Tuesday, September 6, 2022

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Monday, February 28, 2022

The elephant is by far the largest land mammal

Elephants - description and characteristics

Being herbivores, elephants have few enemies and will not attack anyone. Today they can be seen in the wild, not only as pets, but also in national parks, nature reserves, circuses and zoos. We know everything about elephants, including their lifespan, their diet, and how long they take to become pregnant. But secrets romain.

How much does an elephant weigh? 

Few land mammals can boast such a size and should not be confused with any other. These monsters can grow up to 4.5 meters tall and weigh as much as 7 tons. The biggest of these goliaths is the African savannah monster. Their Indian compatriots are somewhat lighter, weighing up to 5.5 tons for men and 4.5 tons for women. The forest elephant is the lightest, weighing up to three tons. There are also dwarf species that weigh less than a ton in the wild.

The elephant's skeleton

The elephant's skeleton is strong and can carry a lot of weight. The body is massive and muscular. The head is enormous and has a projecting brow. The movable ears are their adornment and serve to regulate heat and communication between tribes. When the herd is attacked, the ears are moved vigorously to intimidate the enemy. The legs are also unique. Contrary to popular belief, these giants are loud and clumsy, but they walk almost silently. Its feet are covered with thick pads of fat that cushion its gait. It is distinguished by its ability to bend its knees and has two kneecaps. The animal has a small tail that ends in a hairless tuft. The young are usually carried by their mother to keep them company.

Elephant trunk 

A special feature is the elephant's trunk, which can weigh up to 200 kg.The storage compartment comprise of an intertwined nose and upper lip. Its trunk is made up of over 100,000 strong muscles and tendons and is incredibly flexible and strong. They use it to pick up plants and put them in their mouths. The elephant's trunk is also the weapon it uses to defend it and to fight its rivals.

Through the trunk, giants also suck up water, which they then carry to their mouths or pour out. Elephants less than a year old can barely use their trunks. They can't use it to drink, for example, but kneel and drink by mouth. But they cling to their mother's tail with their trunk from the first hours of life.

Seeing and hearing elephants

Compared to the size of the animal, the eyes are small and these giants do not have sharp vision. On the other hand, they have excellent hearing and can recognize sounds even with very low frequencies.


The large mammal has a thick gray or brown skin, full of wrinkles and folds. Its skin is covered with sparse, stiff hairs found only on the calves. Adults have almost none.

The color depends directly on the habitat, as elephants often cover themselves with soil and clay to protect themselves from insects. This is why some of them have a brown or even pink appearance.

Among the giants, albino animals are very rare, but they do exist. In Siam they are considered symbolic animals. White elephants were taken especially for kings.


The jewels of giants are their tusks, the older they are, the longer they are. However, not all are the same size. The female Asian elephants, for example, like the rarer males, originally had no such ornaments. The tusks go into the jaws and are considered incisors.

An elephant's teeth provide information about its life expectancy. The teeth wear out year after year, but new teeth grow behind the old ones. It is known how many teeth the mouth of an elephant has. As a rule, there are four molars.

There are some differences in appearance between Indian and African elephants, which will be discussed later.

Types of Elephants

Currently, there are only two types of elephant noses: the African elephant and the Indian elephant (otherwise known as the Asian elephant). African elephants are classified into two groups: savanna elephants, which are the largest species, standing 4.5 meters tall and weighing 7 tons, and Marijuana elephants (dwarf and brown), which prefer tropical forests.

There is no doubt that they are similar, but they are also different in many ways.

  • The answer to the question of which is larger, the Indian elephant or the African elephant, is simple. The one that lives in Africa: elephants weigh 1.5 to 2 tons more and are much taller.
  • The female Asian elephant has no tusks, while the female African elephant has all tusks.
  • There are some differences in the shape of the body, such as the back of the Asian type being higher than the height of the head.
  • African animals have large ears.
  • African giants have a slightly thinner trunk.
  • Indian elephants are more easily domesticated than African elephants and are almost impossible to tame.

The fact that crossing an African trunk with an Indian trunk does not produce offspring indicates a difference at the genetic level.

The lifespan of an elephant is determined by its living environment and the availability of sufficient food and water. It is said that African elephants live slightly longer than others.

The elephant's way of life

The animals are very social: they form herds, led by the oldest and most experienced female. She leads her fellow elephants to feeding areas and keeps them in order.

Scientists have come to some interesting conclusions. All individuals are related. As a rule, they are immature females and males. Adult males leave their families and often live alone or with similar bachelors. They approach familiar flocks only when they are ready to breed and at the call of females.

Animals have highly developed family instincts, and everyone has a role to play. The entire family deals with the kids. When a predator attacks, the elephant is tightly ringed to repel the enemy. Unfortunately, the lifespan of an elephant depends on the ability of its family to provide for all its offspring. The young often die of disease, weakness, or attack by predators (lions, tigers, cheetahs, hyenas, and crocodiles).

Giants need large amounts of water to survive; they can drink up to 200 liters a day, so they try to stay close to water. During the dry season, they dig wells to save not only themselves, but many other animals as well.

The mammalian elephant is a very peaceful animal. They very rarely attack other animals. If a giant is frightened of something and stomps on anyone who gets in its way, it will only cause harm.

The older animals go to one place where many of their contemporaries have died, the Elephant Graveyard, where they spend their last days. Other family members greet them and give them a touching farewell.

TIGER | Facts, Information, Habitat, and Pictures ...


The word tiger comes from the Latin "tigris", and the Romans in turn borrowed the name from the ancient Greeks. The word is thought to have arrived in ancient Greece from Persia, the Persian word tiger meaning 'sharp'. In ancient Iran, tiger meant arrow, possibly related to the animal's quick reactions and lightning leap. The tiger was first described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in his monumental work 'The System of Nature' in 1758; he also gave the animal a scientific name 'Felix Tigris', translated from Latin as cat tiger. Since 1929, the animal has been assigned to the genus Panther with the scientific name Panther Tigris, which it bears to this day. The tiger's closest relative is the snow leopard, not the lion, leopard or jaguar as previously thought.

What a Tiger Looks Like - Size and Appearance 

The tiger is the world's largest wild cat species, characterized by its long, slender, muscular body, large head, and powerful limbs. They can reach a maximum height of 1.15 meters. Males weigh between 90 and 300 kilograms, and their total length, including the tail, is between 250 and 390 centimeters. The tail is about half the length of the body. Females weigh an average of 65-167 kg and are 200-275 cm long. Tigers have a much larger body mass difference between males and females than other cat species. Males are on average 1.7 times larger than females. Also, males have thicker paws, so the animal's sex can be determined by its footprints. The size of tigers varies greatly depending on the subspecies and the abundance of food. On average, tigers on the mainland are much larger than tigers on the islands. The largest tigers are the Amur and Bengal tigers, with some record-breaking males weighing 385 kg. The island animals usually weigh less than 142 kg. The animal's coat is quite sparse, dense, and low in the south. In colder climates, the raptor's coat is longer and fluffier. Long mane-like hairs, called sideburns, grow around the neck and chin. The head is large and round, with a domed forehead and widely spaced jaws. The eyes are yellow. The raptor's ears are very small and rounded, and the inner hairs are white.

The basic color of the animal ranges from orange to brownish, with white areas on the neck and chest. The black stripes are unique to each animal. Tigers are among the few cats with striped coloration; spotted cats are much more common in the wild. Vertical stripes on the flanks help tigers blend into tall grass. The orange color of the fur also helps the animal blend in. Because predators can only see two colors, the orange color in ungulates' eyes blends into the grass.

Black and white tiger

The animal also comes in other colors - white, gold, snow white without stripes and black. These are virtually absent in the wild due to drastic population declines, but are regularly seen in captive animals. The white tiger has white fur with light brown stripes.

The golden tiger has pale yellow fur with a shade of gray and reddish-brown stripes. The snow white coloration is characterized by very light, almost imperceptible stripes and reddish-brown rings on the tail. 

White and golden tigers are not a separate breed, but the result of a genetic mutation, a lack of pheomelanin, the pigment responsible for the orange color of the fur. Black tigers are the result of pseudo-melanism. The basic coloration in black tigers is not black but light orange, so they are not melanocytic. The dark stripes on black tigers are disproportionately large, and behind the large stripes, the main color is barely visible, so the coat appears darker in color.

Character and lifestyle 

In the wild, untouched by humans, tigers, unlike other cats, are active mainly during the day. They are predators that rarely climb trees, but can do so if necessary. Tigers are good swimmers and often swim in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water to escape the heat. They can swim rivers up to 7 km wide and cover up to 29 km per day.

Like other big cats, tigers live as loners. Adult animals usually have their own territory. The size of the territory varies depending on the terrain, number of prey and sex of the animal and is on average up to 150 km2 for males and up to 50 km2 for females. Two to four females may inhabit the territory of a single male, although male and female territories do not overlap. Young females usually stay close to their mother, while young males migrate in search of their own territory.

Despite their predominantly solitary lifestyle, tigers interact with each other better than other cats. Adults, both males and females, share prey with other predators. Adult males have been shown to let females and cubs eat their prey before eating it themselves - but this is very rare in lions. In territorial disputes between males, most conflicts are limited to threats, with the loser acknowledging the winner's dominance by rolling onto his back and showing his belly. Fights between males revolve mainly around females in heat and often end with the death of one of the males.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Lion the big cat

Lion the big cat

The king of beasts - over the centuries the lion has received unmatched esteem from humanity for its solidarity, mental strength and honor among all remaining creatures. The females are more modest with a weight and stature range of 250-350 lbs and 1.4-1.9 meters separately. By and large, lions have a wide geographic range and currently live in the wild only in Africa and India. Accordingly, two distinctive subspecies are widely recognized - the African and Asiatic lions.

Lions generally have a uniform tinge, changing from brilliant to brown. Fledglings as often as possible have spots on their jacket that vanish as they age. Here and there they continue and are apparent on appendages and paunch that normally is whitish in shading (especially in lionesses). Male lions are the main felines to wear a mane, however male tigers oftentimes have mane-like hair encompassing their skull. Nonetheless, mane in the event of lions stretches out to their neck, shoulders and paunch. The transformative beginning of the mane is a subject of some debate for certain specialists keeping up with that means that sexual ability and testosterone levels while others contend that its main capacity is assurance against different lions in battles. The two perspectives seem, by all accounts, to be valid, but mane is often seen to be connected with natural circumstances. Hostage lions in cooler environments of Europe and North America sport heavier manes though the lions of rugged Stave area in Kenya are maleness. Lions have the biggest skull among all felines, with solid jaws and canines intended to suit their rapacious way of life.

Lions are superb trackers and are fit for bringing down prey of any size inferable from their particular hunting abilities. Females are the main trackers and attributable to their smooth yet monstrously solid body structure is one of the absolute most unfortunate trackers in all of animals of the world collectively. Normal methodology is to circle the designated prey and close in continuously. Two or three lionesses start the accuse of the particular motivation behind terrifying and befuddling the group as they run straight towards the excess individuals from the pride that tail the prey's leave courses. Demise is as a rule by suffocation in any case, lions are completely fit for killing up to medium-sized creatures by smacks from their monster forepaws. Truth is told lionesses frequently represent considerable authority in killing even huge prey like zebra by breaking their neck through shear energy as they attempt to separate it during their jump.

In opposition to prevalent thinking, ongoing examination shows that guys participate in up to 50-60% of all chases - especially after large prey like the cape bison. Be that as it may, the main capacity of the enormous guys is insurance of the pride from outside dangers. With a major mane, hugely solid forequarters and strong jaws - lions are maybe the best warriors among land vertebrates. The other dominating component of the male lion is his fortitude. Extraordinary trackers and history specialists keep up with the lion as the lord of monsters due to its incredible strength and mental fortitude. While the tiger lurks away through the backwoods, the lion perseveres, on occasion showing staggering trying. There are not many things more unfortunate than an eager lion and now and again his simple thunder has made numerous a trackers tumble from the machine to lion's ravenous jaws. Lion's thunder is indeed the most intense among all felines and on a crisp morning persists a few kilometers.

Lions mate a few times in a year and females bring forth up to four or five fledglings after a gestational period enduring almost three and a half to four months. Fledglings nurse from their moms and other pride females as long as a half year and if there should arise an occurrence of guys as a rule stay with the pride as long as two years old. In spite of insurance of the pride, up to half of lion fledglings in the wild don't endure attributable to starvation or intermittent barbarianism by different lions. At the point when itinerant male lions assume control over a pride from the inhabitant guys, after a horrendous and regularly mortal fight, they kill their offspring. This serves not exclusively to get the lionesses heat yet in addition to guarantee just their genetic supply go on in the future. The normal rule of a male lion over a pride is generally 3 years. He is in his pinnacle condition from 4 years to 9 years old, and his position is outright over the fields of Africa!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Cyclists And Dogs

Venturing out on your bike can be dangerous when you cross into a canine area

Venturing out on your bike can be dangerous when you cross into a canine area. Like different creatures. Assuming that you enter a canine's very own space is ready for the canine to enter assault mode. Growls and incensed yelping will caution you, and on the off chance that you don't leave right away, the canine can send off an assault. This includes speaking harshly to your heels and an endeavor to cut you down.

A canine assault can rattle any cyclist, and cause genuine wounds. Knowing how to manage canine assaults is a significant shield to cycling. Kids or unpracticed cyclists and canines simply don't blend, and these riders ought to never be permitted to ride where canine assaults can happen. Canines will quite often assault a cyclist from the back, as a rule from the rump bearing. Nonetheless, not all canines seek after their casualties violently. You can decide if the canine has genuine expectations to hurt you by noticing the step of the canine.

On the off chance that you see a canine drawing closer from any bearing, make certain to monitor the front wheel of your bike. In the event that the canine abruptly lurches before you, it can cause an impact and a fall. Move to the farthest stopping point, and immediately ride away. Letting out a heap throated holler is one more method for managing an irate canine. This strategy can quickly amaze the canine and prompt him to falter. In the event that effective, utilize the additional seconds and ride away as quick as could really be expected. Anyway assuming the canine is as yet in assault mode, ball up your clench hands and yell indignantly. Most canines fear human brutality and may not pursue somebody who represents an obvious danger. It's vital to understand that you can't continuously beat a canine. Rough streets or soak tracks can make a cyclist make an especially sluggish escape.

This is the place where a jar of pepper shower can prove to be useful. The splash stings the nose and eyes of the canine, and stops him briefly without truly hurting any. As a last resort, call out for help. In the event that the canine is significant in his assault, safeguard yourself by putting the bike in the middle of you the canine. Try not to attempt to kick the canine, as this might cause you to lose your equilibrium. Assuming you are assaulted or are nibbled look for clinical guide right away, report the occurrence to the police and cabin a protest against the proprietors. The canine should be isolated to check assuming it is raging. Cyclists and canines don't continuously blend. Be ready and expertise to respond assuming that you end up intersection a regional canine.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

All about cats

Giving Your Cat The Safest Place to come back Back To

Whenever one considers felines pets, the image that rings a bell is of a serious shaggy feline resting in his feline bed with a serious plate of milk available. Felines are well-known to be sluggish, refined within house pets but that won't very a typical. 

Most felines are very dynamic, regular formed trackers, World Health Organization prefer to meander brazenly. For those, you ought to think about obtaining outside feline homes. Various proprietors, once they have the house offices for it, arrange to offer their felines the liberty to reside outside and partake within the chance of getting some place protected and agreeable to come back to once they feel spent on rambling. 

An implausible methodology for keeping your feline returning once his experiences is by furnishing them with agreeable outside feline homes. Assumptive you own a serious house with a spacious nursery, outside feline homes is also the tactic for giving feline with legitimate lodging in a much protected climate. Outside feline homes ought to be exceptionally solid and safe; ideally made from powerful nontoxic materials. They have to be compelled to defend your feline from deluge, cold, wind and snow assumptive it lands up like that. 

Then again, they ought not to be unnecessarily heat and that they have to be compelled to have the choice to regulate to hotter climate. Call back that the feline have to be compelled to perpetually feel similar within his own residence, therefore he will not got to meander outside to trace down a pleasant spot to stay.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas

The most well-known items available today are Advantage, Revolution, and Program. Each of these has measurements and medicines intended for the two canines and felines of differing sizes. Benefit and Revolution are pesticide fluids that are applied to the mess of the neck, and additionally along the back where creatures can't lick. At the point when the bug chomps the creature's skin, it kicks the bucket. Program is a pill for canines, and fluid for felines. 

This works not by harming the bug, but rather by bringing an insect chemical into the canine or feline's framework, which will be ingested when the bug benefits from their blood. It forestalls the shell instance of bug eggs from solidifying, along these lines finishing the regenerative cycle when the insects kick the bucket. 

This large number of items will kill off the thing is attempting to benefit from your pets, however assuming that the invasion is genuinely extreme, you should look for the guidance of your veterinarian for an irritation control treatment for you home, too.

Grooming Your Cat

When brushing your cat, make sure that you check his ears, eyes, teeth, and claws. His eyes should be bright and clear with nothing residing in the corners. His ears should be clean, pink in color, and no sign of ear mites. Ear mite’s result from dirt built up in a cat’s ears, and can result in the ears shriveling up and your cat losing his hearing. Ear mites are very annoying for the cat, and hard for you as an owner to get rid of. The best way to get rid of them – is to ensure that your cat’s ears stay clean and healthy.

Each time you groom your cat, you should always aim to go a bit further with your examinations. When your cat remains still, you should always praise him and give him a treat. If your cat doesn’t cooperate and starts to struggle, you shouldn’t fight with him, but instead let him go and try the next day. Once your cat gets used to grooming he will look forward to it each and every day.